On the 3rd of April 2019, more than 90 members and friends of We Will Speak Out SA came together to: 

  • report on the year from July 2017 to June 2018,
  • share plans for the current year and
  • reflect on the journey from rhetoric to action in our faith communities.

We shared a wonderful, warm, encouraging and challenging day with powerful speakers, members, and friends new and old.

At the end of the day those present were invited to make individual commitments. The Coordination Team and subcommittees will include these into action plans which will be shared with our members and partners, for joint involvement. 
A number of different documents and a photo gallery will allow you to have a glimpse of the day even if you could not attend.
If you scroll down you can download:
– the annual report – front (poster) and back (report)
– the minutes of the AGM
– the conference report
– Concrete steps globally and the protocols of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference – Presentation by Russell Pollitt, SJ, Director Jesuit Institute South Africa  and 
– any of the photos. 
You can also listen to an interview with Daniela Gennrich on the day before the conference. The podcast is available on the Africa Gender Indaba Website or follow the link here.
You can also read the previously posted press release.


PDF iconWWSOSA Annual Report 2017-8 P1.pdf

PDF iconWWSOSA Annual Report 2017-8 P2.pdf

PDF iconAGM Minutes WWSOSA 3.4.2019 Finaldocx.pdf

PDF iconConference Notes WWSOSA 3.4.2019 Fin.pdf

PDF iconChild Protection Catholic Church.pdf