Faith Action Form Meeting

March has arrived all too soon, and it is time for us to meet as the Faith Action Collective to end GBV, which I am excited is becoming increasingly interfaith – so please invite all those from any faith that has a vision for ending GBV!

This month, our meeting coincides with the Women’s World Day of Prayer, which includes prayers of women from all and any Christian denomination anywhere in the world. We will begin with prayers drawn from the WWDP website which this year are offered by the women of Palestine.
We have also recently celebrated Interfaith Week. We are reminded that our call is to avoid arguing about religious dogmas and join hands to become a strong united faith voice to bring an end to GBV and femicide in our country. So, in addition to doing further planning for our Strategic Planning Process, we will learn from a wonderful Hindu organisation that is doing great work, and there may be opportunities to join hands if we are in the same geographical space.
Finally, we have GREAT NEWS! Our joint work has received a global award, and we want to celebrate that together at the meeting too.  (Sorry, no virtual cake!)
Here are the details of our meeting:
Call to Unity of Purpose across all faiths and denominations
Women’s World Day of Prayer (WWDP), 1 March 2024: “I beg you, bear with one another in love” (Eph. 4: 1-6)

We may differ in our religious persuasions but our prayers and actions for peace and an end to the war on women and children remain united.

Wednesday, 6th March 2024, 12h30-14h00
Meeting ID: 896 7361 8261