Toxic Masculinity at Play

"... I was already seething with anger that had been building over the past six days. I bombarded her with a series of questions, giving…

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Night of the Long Knives

Unless we address things by their true names, the battle against gender-based violence will be lost before teatime writes Bhekisisa Mncube about the darkest day…

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Beyond Forgiveness

When the abuser passed away, it brought catharsis instead of grief, writes Bhekisisa Mncube about his healing from sexual abuse, endured over four decades ago.

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You can read the full report here STAKEHOLDER REPORT FULL Unite to End Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF)! In the heart of our diverse nation,…

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KZN Gender Vibes Newsletters

Gender Vibes Newsletters Gender Vibes KZN is a bi-monthly newsletter produced in partnership with the KZN Network on Violence against Women funded by Gender Links and the Canadian…

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