INTERFAITH Action to end GBV

Press Statement
In a historic move, the Faith Action to End GBV Collective has embarked on a groundbreaking Interfaith Sector GBV Mobilisation Campaign that transcends religious boundaries. Together, diverse faith leaders and communities are taking a public pledge to play a significant role in multi-stakeholder initiatives aimed at preventing gender-based violence and achieving the goals of the National Strategic Plan to End GBV and Femicide.
Our campaign unites people from the Baha’i faith, Brahma Kumaris, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, and Traditional Healers. Together, we are forging a path forward to address this national crisis.
At the heart of this campaign lies a Statement of Commitment crafted by scholars and activists in the faith sector through information-gathering, consultation, collaboration and validation. A Signature Campaign involves gathering signatures to this Statement from faith leaders, activists and people of faith to pledge unwavering support against GBV.
The Statement will be taken to faith institutions and faith communities to workshop and put practical steps in place to both make those safe spaces and to work against GBV in the country through a survivor-centred approach.
The call is resounding, and it extends to all people of faith. Join us in this journey toward a South Africa free from the chains of gender-based violence. Together, with faith as our compass, we shall navigate this path towards a South Africa free and safe for all.
For more information on the campaign: