Finally – after months of consultations, drafts and hard work – we are ready to share the next step in implementing the joint Interfaith GBV Statement of Commitment! We promised it was not just going to be another statement, so many of us have been working to create a FRAMEWORK FOR ACTION:
SAVE THE DATE (3 October) to be part of launching the first-ever joint South African Interfaith Prevention and Mitigation GBV Strategy!
In preparation for that, the writing team needs your wisdom–
By early September, we will send you the draft of the Interfaith GBV Prevention and Mitigation Strategy 2030 with an invitation to READ it and send in your SUBMISSIONS for improvements and general comments.
The intention is that we all need to feel we OWN the strategy and that there is room in it to affirm our work and for all of us to feel inspired to be part of this exciting and impactful movement!
Watch this space!
Together, the faith sector will become a force to be reconned with as lives and communities are transformed!
May your vital work to end GBV continue to grow from strength to strength.