28th November, 10am-4 pm, at Glen Ridge Church
For the first time, and as part of the KwaZulu-Natal Premier’s programme for 16 days of activism, religious fraternities and key stakeholders will have a chance to engage with survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) on their experiences when seeking support from them.
An event is co-hosted by the Phephisa Survivors Movement together with We Will Speak Out SA Coalition and a number of other partners in KZN (KwaZulu Christian Council and its regional partners, Diakonia Council of Churches, Religions for Peace, KwaZulu Christian Council, the Gay and Lesbian Network and Lifeline).
The two main objectives are that survivors in KZN will receive better support and experience less stigmatization; and that there will be improved synergies between faith leaders and other stakeholders in both prevention efforts and support for survivors at provincial and local community levels.
The programme is split into two parts. The first session is a dialogue between faith leaders and members of a growing SGBV survivor movement in KZN, to help faith leaders respond to the survivors’ sharing of their experiences when seeking help from their faith communities. It will open a space for faith leaders to discuss practical ways to contribute to the broad sector that is engaged in various ways to prevent and respond to sexual and gender-based violence.
The second session is a ‘multilogue’ – an open space for participants to address challenges experienced by survivors when seeking the services of a variety of stakeholders and how best to ensure improved continuity of services between public services and those (potentially) offered at local community level.
This session will end with a shared draft skeletal action plan to contribute to the Provincial 365 days Action Plan for 2018. It will propose concrete mechanisms for building on current good practices and improve synergies while addressing key gaps to effectively tackle underlying drivers of SGBV in prevention efforts.
Ethekwini Mayor, Her Worship Ms. Zandile Gumede and the Office of the Premier will address the gathering, attended by a wide spectrum of faith leaders, NGOs, Provincial service providers and other invited guests.
We Will Speak Out SA will also hold their Annual General Meeting from 8.30 to10am.
For more information, please contact Daniela 0724537502 or coordinator@wwsosa.org.za and for bookings, please contact or yspain@sai.co.za.