Help Shape the Way forward!

The May 2024 Faith Action Collective Forum meeting takes us to the next step in the development of the Interfaith GBVF Strategy 2023!
The writing team will present Draft 2 for your comment and suggestions for improvement.
We will also announce the Working Teams to take forward the implementation planning of 7 priorities between now and December 2025.
This is our joint Strategy – let’s shape it together:
The meetng takes place on Wed 8th May, as usual from 12h30-14h00, to allow working people to join us during their lunch break.
Meeting ID: 875 3147 0754
- Brief reflection on the Strategic Planning meeting: Participants from diverse faiths
- Draft strategic framework document presented for feedback
- Planning Implementation: Working teams going forward
- Announcements
- Closure
A brief summary of the meeting is found here to help you prepare your thoughts if you did not attend.
Hoping to further engage on Wednesday, as we map out our collective journey to 2030 – which will see a transformed (inter)faith sector engaging as a credible and impactful stakeholder in whole-society initiatives to bring about the end of GBVF in South Africa.