National and KZN GBVF Summit Processes
Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) is rampant in South Africa, spanning across ages, in urban and rural areas, across all communities, genders, classes and all forms of social markers, and in both private and public spheres. Despite progress made in the implementation of the national response to the pandemic, the country is constantly confronted with the brutality of GBVF meted out against women, children and LGBTQIA+ persons. For this reason, it is imperative for all sectors and stakeholders to collaborate on how best to manage what has infected our society like a chronic illness. All provinces have over the last 2 months convened provincial summits and/or district activation workshops to assess the status of GBVF in their province and prepare feedback to take to the Presidential summit on the 1 and 2nd of November 2022.
WWSOSA will continue to publish reports of the next steps on at least 3 levels in which we are engaged with other key stakeholders. Look out for invitations to contribute to further consultations and joint actions!
Forthcoming activities include: (Contact coordinator@wwsosa if you want to find out more.)
- 22 March – 10-11.30 Faith Action to End GBV Collective – 1st monthly meeting, reviewing progress, planning further and planning for a 2023-4 Strategic Planning day.
- 29 March (in person in Durban) – Denis Hurley Centre – a small group of people directly involved will meet to make out an early draft Action Plan, which will be presented as a proposal to the Provincial Government for collaborative action.
- Pillar 2 (Prevention) – planning process to implement the Comprehensive National Prevention Strategy 2023-4. Further information to follow at the biweekly Pillar 2 meetings.