In addition to the materials we developed internally, WWSOSA aims to provide a comprehensive list of resources on sexual and gender-based violence, with a specific focus on faith-based material. In order to avoid duplication, we embedded the resource pages from our Thursdays in Black page.

A special section on COVID-19 Resources is available here.

If you know of any additional resources, please share them with us! You can send information and links by email to communication(at) 

“Asikhulume, Sizwane! Open faith-based conversations about sexual and gender based violence” 

A dialogue tool developed by WWSOSA in 2017to help faith leaders, and others involved in SGBV work, to begin to learn from survivors about how to improve our work to end SGBV and mitigate its impact on people’s lives, families and communities. Download here and read more about the event and process here